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Jumat, 11 Juli 2014


How to create a logo design with basic Microsoft softwere

1. Find Basic picture on the internet, we will use this image:

2. Pieces with the snipping tool on each of its parts, then save

3. Editing with MS. Power point, put all the parts of the image on a blank slide

4. magnification contrast to remove the background color in each image, the color of coffee accidentally come look attractive. It is a double point for us: D

5. Thin the smoke, and move as beautiful as possible,

6. Give the name of the logo, and change the font style, concerned with choosing a suitable style, capture again

7. If less interesting, add accents round crescent bottom of posts. By creating an oval object in PowerPoint slides with your favorite color, here I am wearing the color yellow, because it matches the color of the coffee, hmm delicious !

8. Enter the complete capture earlier in this slide, place on an oval base, and adjust as well as possible,

9. Give blur effect on both. Capture again and finished

Let’s make your logo yourself, thank for reading

tags: create design, simple design, create logo 

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