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Sabtu, 26 Juli 2014


All About Cost Per Lead (CPL)

 Cost per lead

what is cost per leads, image of cost per leads, image of CPLCost per lead (CPL) is an online advertising pricing model that indicates the exact revenue earned by a publisher for creating a lead for an advertiser. CPL advertising is the means of generating guaranteed returns for advertisers on their online advertisements. As a result, the CPL advertising has experienced significant growth and is considered one of the fastest-growing sections of online advertising. 

Contrary to CPM and CPC pricing models, where advertisers are charged for impressions and clicks, respectively, in a CPL pricing model advertisers pay only for a qualified sign-up regardless of how many impressions or clicks their advertisement received. CPL advertising enables advertisers to generate guaranteed returns on their online advertising money but, on the other hand, it provides no guaranteed revenue for publishers.

online lead generation

It's no surprise that CPL advertising has shown explosive growth in recent times. CPL advertising is also commonly called online lead generation. In CPL campaigns, advertisers pay for an interested lead - i.e. the contact information of a person interested in the advertiser's product or service. That lead can then be pursued  through a solution like the Cloud Call Center. CPL campaigns are suitable for brand marketers and direct response marketers looking to engage consumers at multiple touchpoints - by building a newsletter list, community site, reward program or member acquisition program. 

The characteristics

1. CPL campaigns are advertiser-centric. The advertiser remains in control of their brand, selecting trusted and contextually relevant publishers to run their offers. On the other hand, CPA and affiliate marketing campaigns are publisher-centric. Advertisers cede control over where their brand will appear, as publishers browse offers and pick which to run on their websites. Advertisers generally do not know where their offer is running.

2. CPL campaigns are usually high volume and light-weight. In CPL campaigns, consumers submit only basic contact information. The transaction can be as simple as an email address. On the other hand, CPA campaigns are usually low volume and complex. Typically, consumer has to submit credit card and other detailed information.

CPL advertising is more appropriate for advertisers looking to deploy acquisition campaigns by re-marketing to end consumers through e-newsletters, community sites, reward programs, loyalty programs and other engagement vehicles.

Qualified sales lead

in a CPL pricing model advertisers pay only for a qualified sign-up regardless of how many impressions or clicks their advertisement received. CPL advertising enables advertisers to generate guaranteed returns on their online advertising money but, on the other hand, it provides no guaranteed revenue for publishers. as described by Jonah Mytro, director of Mediaspike "Our goal is to provide quality referrals and inquiries to our clients that pay us based on the value-per-lead. From the client's perspective, they reduce their risk and only pay for qualified leads, that they can be money. ". Therefore qualisifikasi lead in the mean is in accordance with the FAINT criteria:

- Funds: Focus initially on organizations and buyers that have the financial capacity or funds to buy from you. They may not have a budget, but they have the overall financial wherewithal to spend. Sell where the money is.
- Authority: Focus on finding the individuals who have the authority to make decisions on how to use funds. If the organization has the financial capacity to spend if they found something to be worthwhile, you must deal with the people who have the authority to allocate said funds.
- Interest: Generate interest from the buyer in learning what's possible and how to achieve a new and better reality than the one they have today.
- Need: Uncover specific needs that you can solve. They're likely to be latent-hidden beneath the surface-but they're there if you can uncover them.
- Timing: Establish purchase intent and a specific time frame for doing so. This can, of course, take a number of conversations, might involve a number of decision makers and influencers, and may take some time to do. Once you do it, however, you now have a qualified prospect and a real opportunity in your pipeline.
for great tips how to get quality leads that right, you can try to read here

Pay Per Leads

Pay Per Lead (PPL) is similar to CPL, but measures the cost per lead from the advertiser's perspective. For example, if an advertiser pays $500 for 1,000 leads, the advertiser's average PPL is $0.50 ($500 ? 1000). Leads can be anything from basic page views to product purchases or new service signups. Leads that generate more revenue generally have a higher PPL.

Advertisers often monitor PPL to measure the effectiveness of certain ads. By comparing the average revenue per lead to the PPL cost, the advertiser can determine if the ads are increasing or decreasing profit. For example, if a the average return on a lead is $0.80 and the PPL is $0.50, there is an average profit of $0.30 per ad. However, if the average return is less than $0.50, the ads should be modified or stopped since the leads cost more than the revenue they are generating.

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